Your Complete Guide to Navigating Planetside 2 Official Store’s Offerings

Your Complete Guide to Navigating Planetside 2 Official Store’s Offerings

Planetside 2, the popular massively multiplayer online first-person shooter game, has an official store that offers a variety of items to enhance your gaming experience. The store is filled with an array of options including weapons, vehicles, cosmetics and more. Here’s your complete guide to navigating the Planetside 2 Official Store’s offerings.

As you enter the virtual doors of the Planetside 2 Official Store, you will be greeted by a vast selection of items that cater to every player’s needs and preferences. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned veteran looking for an upgrade or cosmetic enhancement for your character or vehicle, there’s something in store for everyone.

For those who are just starting their journey in this expansive world, it would be beneficial to focus on essential items such as weapons and armor upgrades. These can significantly boost your survivability and effectiveness during battles. The store offers various types of weaponry from assault rifles, shotguns to sniper rifles each with its unique attributes catering different playstyles.

Additionally, if you’re seeking mobility across the vast terrains of Auraxis -the planet where Planetside 2 merchandise takes place- investing in vehicle purchases could prove advantageous. There are several types available ranging from agile ATVs (Flash), armored tanks (Vanguard) to versatile aircrafts (Reaver). Each vehicle provides distinct tactical advantages which could turn tides in large-scale conflicts.

Beyond functional upgrades and equipment purchases though, players can also indulge in cosmetic enhancements available at the official store. These include skins for characters and vehicles along with emblems and decals allowing players to express their individuality while battling it out on Auraxis’ landscapes.

The Planetside 2 Official Store operates using Daybreak Cash (DBC), an exclusive currency bought with real money through Daybreak Games’ website or within the game itself. It’s worth noting that membership subscribers receive a monthly DBC grant along with other benefits like increased experience and resource gain.

Moreover, the store frequently offers sales and promotions which can provide significant savings on your purchases. It’s always worth checking back regularly to see the latest deals available.

Lastly, customer support is readily available for any issues or inquiries you may have about your transactions. The Planetside 2 team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth shopping experience for all players.

In conclusion, the Planetside 2 Official Store serves as a comprehensive one-stop-shop catering to every player’s needs in this expansive MMOFPS game. Whether you’re looking for weapons upgrades, new vehicles or cosmetic enhancements, there’s something for everyone in this virtual marketplace. Happy shopping and see you on Auraxis!